In September we will start the Anthropology and Dance Laboratory, the first laboratory of artistic research and scientific creativity organized in the context of the AND_Lab project, oriented by choreographer João Fiadeiro and anthropologist Fernanda Eugénio.
It is in the modes of “making problems” proper to contemporary dance and anthropology that the current research project will unfold. A research on existence/resistance understood and experienced as re-existence. In other words, not as an act of “positioning against” but as an act of “positioning with”. This is why it is crucially important to widen the understanding of what a composition might be: very clearly, “putting oneself with” the other, the position of each agent given by the relation with all the others, the consequent position, the “com-position”.
The method of Real Time Composition developed by João Fiadeiro throughout the last 15 years will be the common “language” used along this research, working as a platform of encounter between the several contributors.
There are no spectators, there are no artists, there are no scientists: we are all makers of our own happening.

Information and registration:

Atelier Real has accommodation (single and double rooms) available to welcome some of the workshop participants. Contact us for more information: 
Atelier | RE.AL
Rua Poço dos Negros nº55 1200-336 Lisboa
Tel. 21 390 92 55 / 96 983 29 49
RE.AL is financed by MC (Ministério da Cultura) / DGArtes (Direcção-Geral das Artes)

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