February 14th: Creative Residencies / DresdenTanzplan Dresden offers three grants for creative residencies at the Palucca Schule Dresden – Hochschule für Tanz during the Tanzplan Dresden Summer Workshop 2010 (July 26th – August 06th, 2010). The grants offer support for three teams to create a new work. Creative teams include a choreographer and three supporting artists (of the visual, performing or media artists, and dancers of their choice). The aim of the creative residency is to develop dance works from an interdisciplinary and experimental base. Accommodation, rehearsal space at the Palucca Schule and the assistance of a light/sound engineer will be offered to help facilitate the creation of these works. A dramaturg will accompany the entire creative process. An open showing of the works-in-progress will take place at the Palucca Schule during the second week of the residency.The creative residency takes place at the Palucca Schule in Dresden/Germany from July 26th – August 6th, 2010. Each team will be supported with € 3.500,- in total for travel, living expenses and material. Organization of travel is under the responsibility of the teams.Grant applications must be postmarked no later than February 14th, 2010. Application should be sent to Tanzplan Dresden and must include three copies of the following: statement of artistic motivation for the creative residency (max. 400 characters); artistic concept describing the interdisciplinary nature of the proposed work (max. 2.000 characters); curriculum vitaes of each member of the team; 1 DVD with work examples.The board of the three artistic directors of Tanzplan Dresden - Prof. Jason Beechey (Rector of the Palucca Schule Dresden – Hochschule für Tanz), Aaron S. Watkin (Artistic Director of the Dresden SemperOper Ballett) and Dieter Jaenicke (Artistic Director of HELLERAU - European Center for the Arts Dresden) announce their decision by March 5th, 2010.Contact: Tanzplan Dresden, Sabine Stenzel, c/o Palucca Schule Dresden - Hochschule für Tanz, Basteiplatz 4, 01277 Dresden, Germany. Phone 0049 (0)351.2 59 06-58, Fax 0049 (0)351.2 59 06-80, info(a)tanzplan-dresden.dewww.tanzplan-dresden.deFonte: Barbara Schindler / www.tanzplan-deutschland.de
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