Robert, mandame algun link para ver tu trabajo que llevarias a Ecuador y ver las posibilidades que hay aca. En agosto estare en temporada con una obra de teatro y danza CINE EDEN, asi que estare un poco ocupada pero veamos que se puede hacer. beso
Hola Robert Spin gracias por tu mensaje.... tengo otros trabajos en danza contemoránea que aun no los subo internet, pero muy pronto te los compariré.
Hola Roberte, disculpa la demora en responder, acabo de regresar a Lima de unas vacaciones. Claro que me acuerdo de ti. En que andas? Recibe un fuerte abrazo.
Hello Dear friends , We'll present our full program in , and then would like to arrange commercial Concerts in different countries. We're calling to interested Impresarios and other interested peoples or organizations to participate in our full program to plan future cooperation and collaboration with our Ensemble. We can send you photos of our Ensemble and appropriate video records. Dance Group's Website: Group's Personal E-mail: legacydansegroup@yahoo.comcell: + 995 58 205 200 Sincerely Mr. Shalva Tevdoradze >My photostream

Hello Dear friends , We'll present our full program in , and then would like to arrange commercial Concerts in different countries. We're calling to interested Impresarios and other interested peoples or organizations to participate in our full program to plan future cooperation and collaboration with our Ensemble. We can send you photos of our Ensemble and appropriate video records. Dance Group's Website: Group's Personal E-mail: legacydansegroup@yahoo.comcell: + 995 58 205 200 Sincerely Mr. Shalva Tevdoradze >My photostream