Are arts and artists consumption products?In 2009, for the first time after multiple try with various other projects, the solo performance “Register” received financial support from the city of Berlin. Unfortunately for political reasons, the districts of Pankow, Prenzlauerberg and others did not have budget for their cultural department and the support for my project was cancelled.It pushes me to find another way to produce it. After all, the Show must go on, a lot of questions come up and among them one insistent. What is the price for dance? What are the alternatives to divulgate artistic works or our dance?” (Ricardo de Paula)Grupo Oito redefines the social link between dance and the public by going to the street and making dances available to all: a large variety of dance to buy, try and learn. The music will be diffused by radio - the conventional advertising media that the dancers embezzle for their performance.
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