MotionFrames is an integrative installation that explores evolving dance images under software controlled video playback. A collaborative project in the generation of an aesthetic environment that conveys the urban landscape of the city and movement artists from Switzerland. Under the direction of composer Cristian Vogel, dancers from Bern will create video clips that feature the interaction between dancers, the environments of the city and real time software processing. These clips will be displayed during the festival and participating artists of the festival will be offered to participate and create new content. Content will be updated daily during the festival.Conception: Cristian Vogel and Gilles Jobin
Direction: Cristian Vogel and Marlon Barrios Solano
Programming: Cristian Vogel
Production: Gva Dance Media Lab/Cie Gilles Jobin
In collaborations with Bern dancers: Marion Ruchti, Marcel Leemann, Dominique Cardito, Ismael Oiartzabal, Maja Brönnimann, Azusa Nishimura, Emma Murray
Motion Frames has been initially developed in the Gva Sessions Made In Yokohama/Japan in summer 2010 and it is the inaugural project of the Gva DanceMedia Lab/Cie Gilles Jobin
Upcoming this summer!
GVA Sessions 011
Dialog: Sound and Movement
July 16th - 23rd 2011
Studios 44,
44, rue de la Coulouvrenière, Geneva