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Edge Zones Hosts 1st Miami Performance Art Festival

Posted by: ivetteromero | June 24, 201212249183868?profile=original


Edge Zones presents the 1st Miami Performance Art Festival, taking place July 26-29, 2012. The festival will be a four day series of events through downtown Miami, the Miami Design District, and in the Botanical Gardens of the City of Miami. It will be curated by Charo Oquet, Cristy Alamaida, and Tori Arpad-Cotta and organized by Edge Zones Projects. The festival, which is free to the general public, will include workshops, lectures, artist talks, or other forms of interactive discourse. The first edition’s focus of inquiry is the “Art of Uncertainty.”

Description: The first Miami Performance Art International Festival features several projects. The Live Art exhibition project seeks to reflect the varied approaches and underscore the wide spectrum of concerns of artistic practices and styles while surveying the contemporary global artistic strategies and conceptual frameworks where these works are put into play. M/P’12 will explore and study the tendencies of performance art and installations, showcasing works of over 32 international and local artists. The festival draws upon the rich local and international cultural landscape to present leading contemporary masters of performance and installation art who will exhibit alongside, both established and emerging performance artists selected from around the world.

A lively dialogue between live art practice and its documentation will occur through a comprehensive exhibition of performance documentation in photography, installation and video, while durational and site-reactive live performances will be presented to the public in a participatory/interactive mode.

Participating Caribbean artists include Eliu Almonte, Guillermo Liriano Bass, Nicolas Dumit Estevez, Aryln Jimenez, Pery Jimenez, Claudia Lizardo, Jochi Muñoz, Ismael Ogando, Grimaldy Polanco, Alexeis Tellerine Alexéi Tellerías (from the Dominican Republic); and Cristy Almaida, Eduardo Balerdi, Pip Brant, Daniel Fiorda, Becky Flowers, Orestes De La Paz, Mark Holt, Leder Kremer, Claudio Marcotulli, Mikey Muench, Charo Oquet, Nicole Soden, Phaedra Robinson (from Florida, USA).

Image above: piece by Jochi Muñoz photographed by Nicole Sánchez, from

For more information and updates, you may contact Charo Oquet (Edge Zones) at 305 303 8852

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publicado en Cultura e Mercado 24 mar 2009 | Carina Teixeira Entre os dias 10 e 13 de junho, será realizado o 23º Congresso da International Society for the Performing Arts, evento que reunirá cerca de 350 profissionais, de mais de 35 países, promovendo um intercâmbio de idéias e novas oportunidades de negócios través de mesas redondas, debates, exposições e do contato com trabalhos e projetos inovadores. Pela primeira vez no país, o Congresso da ISPA contará com a participação de profissionais e importantes instituições internacionais, como a London Philharmonic Orchestra, o Lincoln Center de Nova York, o Concertgebow de Amsterdã, o Conselho de Arte da Coréia, o Adelaide Festival Centre da Austrália e o Esplanade Center de Cingapura. O evento receberá ainda participantes brasileiros e latino americanos envolvidos com organizações dedicadas às artes do espetáculo. O comitê organizador, liderado pela Secretaria de Estado da Cultura de São Paulo, com a participação de conceituados parceiros da área cultural, está empenhado na produção de uma excelente e diversificada programação de conferências, seminários e discussões. E incluirá também uma série de atividades culturais paralelas para mostrar aos congressistas a exuberante produção artística brasileira. Realizado desde 1986, o Congresso da International Society for the Performing Arts já esteve em Cingapura, Cidade do México, Gateshead, Hong Kong, Londres, Amsterdam, Bruxelas e Durban. ver artículo original en Cultura e Mercado
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