nu2s (2)

CoFestival 2013: The Art of Coliving

cofestival 2013

CoFestival is three festivals in one: modul-dance, Ukrep and Pleskavica. Under the title The Art of Coliving, Kino Šiška Ljubljana presents its second edition, that will take place from 17th to 21th June and from 21th to 27th September.

Under the umbrella of the modul-dance project, the event will open with Marcos Morau/La Veronal and their recently premiered Siena, a reflection on the conception of the human body, used by the artists as a container and projector of meanings, as well as an exploration of the history of Italian art in a journey that begins in the Renaissance (17 June).

Mixing digital arts, urban and traditional dances lil'dragon, piece of the modul-dance selected artist Eric Minh Cuong Castaing, will propose a sensory experience toward a feeling of future, physical and imperceptible (20 June).

The program also includes a new edition of the ShortDanceFilms, a film screenings curated by Núria Font/Nu2's (18 June).

In September, one of the last modul-dance selected artists, Jurij Konjar will premiere in Slovenia his new piece Still.

The complete programme includes not only dance, but also workshops, theatre and dj sessions.

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Novedades Área de Formación - Festival 2010

Área Formación

Como parte de la programación del Festival 2010 presentamos tres talleres con especialistas invitados:


Taller Intervalo Video-danza –Alexandre Veras (Brasil)

30 ago a 3 sep - 10 a 13hs y 15 a 19hs - Alianza Francesa –
previa inscripción

Taller Nuevas herramientas tecnológicas, metodológicas y conceptuales para el trabajo en red REM –Marlon Barrios (Venezuela/EU), Soledad Gianetti (Argentina)

6 a 9 sep - 9 a 13hs Univ. Salesiana y 14h30 a 17h30 Univ. Andina–gratis, previa inscripción


Masterclass Videodanza, en la frontera de los géneros por Nuria Font -España

9 y 10 sep – 10 a 13hs y 15 a 18hs – Universidad de Cuenca – previa inscripción

informes e inscripción:
Teléfonos: 2508432 / 098291740 / 095097545
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